A little bit about me...

After working in the UK for eight years for a wide variety of great agencies, innovative startups and a whole swag of fantastic clients and projects, I’ve headed home to the Great Southern Land (via the Trans-Siberian Railway). I’ve missed the open blue skies.

I’ve always been interested in understanding how our world works, and would probably have delved into a science career if my passion for art, design and travel hadn’t led me further afield without a grant. I’ve employed my analytical and observational skills in pursuit of visual understanding instead, whether through effective design, engaging experiences, usability or information architecture.

Even though I created my first website when the bleep-bloop of a modem was the gateway to dial-up internet, I started out primarily in print. Logo and business identities, document layout, packaging, litho/flexo print and poster work.

Moving to the UK, I had a fantastic three years working at an integrated agency were I gradually transitioned from designing for print to more interactive mediums.

For the past 5 years I’ve had my own company and have freelanced all over London working on everything from immersive micro-sites, websites, emails and banner ads, to flash games, social media campaigns and corporate digital brand guidelines. All the while I’ve kept my toe in the print world by working on press campaigns and print jobs from time to time. I'm keen to set my sights more closely on mobile web/app design and development and look forward to designing for a fantastic high-speed broadband enabled Australia.

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Some of the clients I've worked for:

Logo Credentials